Manufactured Homes for Sale

ManufacturedLot ModelNewOn Display

The Breeze / The New Breeze II

Built by: Clayton Oxford
2001 ft²
28'0" x 76'0"
The New Breeze II - 29SSP28764AH
ManufacturedLot ModelNewOn Display

Signature / The Bayside

Built by: Southern Homes
2040 ft²
32'0" x 68'0"
The Bayside SIG32684B Expansive extra large four or five bedroom family home features open concept living room/kitchen/di...
ManufacturedLot ModelNewOn Display

Woodland Series / The Zemira WL-6808

Built by: Deer Valley Homebuilders
1920 ft²
32'0" x 68'0"
The Zemira WL-6808 Beautifully crafted family home features expansive living room open to large modern chef style kitchen...
PLEASE NOTE: All sizes and dimensions are nominal or based on approximate builder measurements. Amega Sales reserves the right to make changes due to any changes in material, color, specifications and features anytime without notice or obligation.